Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 1925   TM 65563   LDAB 6814   DCLP 65563   Version française
Publication nameBKT 5.2.131-139
InventoryP.Berol. 9775
LocationBerlin, Staatliche Museen preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse, 6)
Language grec
Provenance Provenance inconnue

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

mil. Ia (Hellenistic Bookhands 75; Ia/I éd.)
Title of the work
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Poésie lyrique : Laus Homeri, et oracle de Cassandre

Type of litteraturepoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

Poésie lyrique
Codicological remark- -

BKT 5.2.131-139
F. Pordomingo, dans G. Bastianini - W. Lapini - M. Tulli, Harmonia. Scritti di filologia classica in onore di Angelo Casanova , II, 2012, 717-730

Images Schubart, PGB, pl. II b; Seider, PGP II 2, pl. VI 12; Cavallo, pl. 3; Cavallo, Scrittura, pl. 48; Hellenistic Bookhands 75 (partim); BerlPap website
Image in Liège
Bibliography Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 21. 310-313; Manteuffel, Opusc., n° 36-37; Page, GLP 1, n° 93; Powell, CA 187-190; APF 5.557; JAW 178-107; New Chapters 1.57; K.F.W. Schmidt, WPh. 25 (1908) 460-462; S. Eitrem, SO 30 (1953) 109; E. Livrea, RivFil 118 (1990) 33-42; G. Cavallo, dans D. Harlfinger - G. Prato (éd.), Paleografia e codicologia greca. Atti del II Colloquio internazionale (Berlino-Wolfenbüttel, 17-21 ottobre 1983) I (Alessandria, 1991 = Biblioteca di Scrittura e Civiltà 3) 16-17 et 29; Cavallo, Scrittura 68; Hellenistic Bookhands 75; S. Hornblower, Lycophron: Alexandra. Greek Text, Translation, Commentary, and Introduction (Oxford, 2015): 503-509
Entry in the digital collection https://berlpap.smb.museum/02721/